Four Nations, One Vision


Grades Taught



The Maskwacîs Outreach School (MOS) is a cooperative school that sees all Four Local First Nations playing an integral role in the school.


The Four Bands of Maskwacis; Samson Cree NationErmineskin Cree NationMontana First Nation, and Louis Bull Tribe, work as one to help the school achieve it’s mission: To provide an Education Program to meet the individual needs of students who are unable to attend a regular school program.


Keith MacQuarrie


The Maskwacîs Outreach School’s mission is to provide a learning context that will develop leaders who are academically prepared, kawi miyo nehiyaw mamtohnehicikanowak ekwa kawi miyo tehiwak mina mamawo kawi miyo macihowak (confident and healthy in mind, body and spirit).


At the Maskwacîs Outreach school, we envision a future where our Indigenous learners are confident in their Iyiniw Mamtohnehicikan, Nehiyaw Pimtisowin ekwa Nehiyawewin ekwa utilize these skills to achieve academic success.

“With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.”

~ Jim Loehr

sports psychologist


Core Values

Îyinîw Mâmitonehicikan - Think and understand our being and existence through a Cree perspective.

Nehiyawewin – Speak the Cree language.

Nehiyaw Pimâtisôwin - Living our Cree way of life.

Wahkôhtowin – Believe all things are related and connected, that all of existence has spirit and that living in a good way requires people to maintain relationships with each other and other aspects of existence.


We believe that it is important to:

  • Inspire all with a sense of HOPE.
  • Create an environment that is conducive to learning.
  • Personalize education.
  • Recognize diversity.
  • Address the social/emotional needs of our students.
  • Establish and maintain open lines of communication allowing for positive work relationships.
  • Have students take ownership of their learning.


The primary objective is to provide quality individualized programming to allow students to acquire credits towards a high school diploma. A secondary objective is to provide students with the resources and knowledge to be able to attend a regular school environment and be successful.

To accomplish this we:

  • Provide flexibility in the students education.
  • Allow student to set education and career objectives.
  • Provide a non-conventional school environment.
  • Provide students with opportunity to complete their education.
  • Build relationships with our students.


During the summer of 2010, Samson Cree Nation’s Nipisihkopahk Education Authority (NEA) conducted a survey of students who were not registered for school and found that their needs were not being met by a traditional school setting. These included but not limited to the following major categories:

  • Teen mothers who did not have any daycare services or they could not leave their infant child for a full school day.
  • Students who had been dropouts for a longer than a year.
  • Students who were in the criminal justice system.
  • Students who were expelled for violent behaviour and or drug infractions.
  • Students who require individual attention and are unable to cope in a large class setting.
  • Students who are in care.
  • Students who are live on their own.

In 2010, NEA launched the Maskwacis Outreach School as a program under Nipisihkopahk Secondary School (NSS). The program had great success and as enrolment increased, there became a need for a new facility for the program. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada committed $500,000 in funding to convert an existing building, the Ermineskin Mall, into a school. The official grand opening for the Maskwacis Outreach School at the Ermineskin Cree Nation was held Oct. 5 (Read More).

The human resources component is led by NEA. Miyo Whakohtowin (MWE) controls the Operation and Maintenance side. Samson, Ermineskin, Montana and Louis Bull Education departments are involved in the Maskwacis Education Steering Committee (MESC) and oversee the Governance and Policy.